Other Boats In My Life

In reverse chronological order.

Hobie 16. What a beast! Over-canvassed and a real handful in a blow. 218 sq ft of sail on a 16' boat weighing 320 lbs - that is more sail area than the Tiki 21 even though it is 1/3 of the weight. On a reach it is as fast as most new boats and can be seen out in winds that have other racing boats on the beach (maybe because of the V-hulls and rocker?). I had this beauty for just one summer before getting the Wharram.

Hobie 14. What a temperamental beast, but also a delight! Loved this boat. Rebuilt from a wreck.

Sailed my H14 regularly for several years before casting around for something more "comfortable" (i.e. that wouldn't fall over if you blinked). Analyzed like no other boat until the Wharram, trying to figure out how to make it go. This is by far the tenderist boat that I've sailed and it would happily capsize sideways, stern-ways, or anyways (pitch-pole) without total attention at all times in a strong breeze. On the other hand, when in-the-groove, the H14 is astonishingly fast for its vintage. I never quite "officially" cracked 20 knots, but recorded a top corrected speed of 19.5 knots. Unforgettable memories of high-speed capsizes on the wire. I sailed it both sloop and cat-rigged. A great starter boat cat-rigged for anyone who would like to sail a Wharram because it is hard to tack. If you can tack a cat-rigged H14, you can tack anything.

Laser (of course) similar to this one. Had not been sailing for a long time after moving to the US so joined the local lake sailing club to use their lasers. Great little boat and always something to learn.

Dolphin dinghy. What a tub! Unstayed mast (which I kept bending and straightening). It was all we could afford at the time, but I enjoyed it immensely and sailed it all over in all conditions.

Windrush 14 (similar to this one). This belonged to my friend Ross, and we sailed it quite regularly for a while, then later his H16. My introduction to multihulls (thanks Ross). From the first sail I knew what I'd been missing, and what I would like to sail in the future.

Young 20 and 25 (similar to this one). My Dad's boats, the 25 is his current boat. Light, water-ballasted trailer-sailer by Jim Young. Both home built in plywood. I much preferred the 20 as it seemed more lively. Both had surprisingly comfortable cruising accommodation. 

Clinker Lug Sail Dinghy (similar to this one). We inherited this boat when we moved houses. It had a homemade sail with little fish sewn onto it, and leaked constantly. I only now realize how much I enjoyed sailing this boat. It was heavy and capsizing was not an option, so didn't (good preparation for large multihull sailing!)

Daydream 28 (similar to this one). My Dad built the hull in the garage in the late 60s early 70s. It was then finished by Smith's Boatyard in Whangarei, and was launched in 1972. The experience of helping Dad in the garage as a little tyke (i.e. endless sanding) was when I learned that I didn't ever want to build a boat. We had the boat until 1980 and sailed it all over the Hauraki Gulf and the coast down to Mt Maunganui. Several memorable holidays to Waiheke, Kawau, and Great Barrier. An interesting canoe-stern hard chine design. It was sea worthy but sluggish, and top speed was about 6 knots totally maxed out.

Mullet Boat (similar to this one). My Dad had this boat when I was born. We sailed as a family in Bream Bay and around the Bay of Islands, including a week long trip with the whole family of six (to the B of I's) when I was 18 months old (apparently). Those were the days when no-one thought anything of cramped, dampish accommodation, and a bucket for a toilet. The boat was sold when I was about seven and I remember being sad that it was gone.


  1. testing testing - hi Rog, just had another go at signing in etc.i can see LYRIC from the harbour bridge if I am quick and not driving (off Northcote Point wharf). Wish we had bought that rather than the dog of a Davidson 28 that K wanted = Chris

  2. Plus I remember that damn Dolphin that put me off sailing for another 5 years ! And did you know that Dad's Young 6.7 was built with untreated construction ply !!! which of course fell apart - shame - it would have been great to have inherited it if well built....
